
Through its state-of-the-art manufacturing plant, Sumitomo will deliver its latest products and technologies to Indonesia as well as to key markets in other ASEAN regions. Sumitomo’s manufacturing plant will also provide jobs for workers in the region and in the longer term, the company is exploring world-class excavator production in its Indonesian plant

Sumitomo Heavy Equipment Production Flow


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Welding Process

Welding Process
The process of welding or connecting steel with automatic tool equipment using robotic welding with high efficiency to produce perfect connection results.

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Machining Process

Machining Process
The process of improving components shape through computerization to produce precision products.

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Inspection Process

Inspection Process
Accurately checking equipment and components quality, to ensure the product quality is well maintained and meets Japanese quality standards.

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Painting Process

Painting Process
The painting process is done using special materials and space which can produce durable colors and can withstand all weather.

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Assembly Process

Assembly Process
The process of assembling or combining several components in different areas with special expertise to produced precise and sturdy products.

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Movement Test

Movement Test
Motion testing and operation of product to ensure the product works optimally and perfectly, in order to fulfil customer needs
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